According to National Retail Federation, 1 in 3 adults in America will celebrate Valentine's day by going out. Additionally 52% will buy candy, 44% will buy a card and 35% will buy flowers. NRF also estimates that an average dinner for two on Valentine's day cost $55.44.
While this is the smallest in 10 years, the total bill could very quickly add to upwards of $200. Yikes!
Don't get me wrong, it is a great idea to show your loved ones how much you love them. Since there is love going around everywhere, this Valentine's day don't forget to show your numbers some love too. Which numbers you ask? Here's a list of the numbers that you should know.
Your credit score: I asked you in my last blog post to get a credit report. If you missed it then, here's another reminder to get it done. It doesn't cost to get your report. You're entitled to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each of the three credit reporting agencies. Order online from Credit score is not free, however, many credit card companies now offer it as a service. Be aware of "free trial" as they could end up costing you. Why bother? A good score is worth money because not having it could cost you higher interest for mortgage, loan, credit card debt.
Your spending budget: Household budgets are based on your spending patterns. Not knowing how much you spend each month can leave you with a hole.
Emergency Fund: This is the cash you keep to dip into in case of a car breakdown or worse a job loss. Recommend to keep 3-6 months worth for a rainy day. How much is that? Knowing your budget (See # 2 above) will help you in finding that out.
Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers and remember if you love your numbers, they will love you back.