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Finhive 2021 Mid-Year Review


Updates on Finhive's continued growth and success in 2021

It's hard to believe that we are already in the second half of 2021, and what a busy year it has been for Finhive. I am pleased to report that it has been a successful year so far on all fronts – from strong programing growth to a full calendar of well-attended events, to a variety of impact initiatives. In addition, we are making exciting progress in our ongoing work to build advanced learning opportunities for our past attendees. Please read on to learn more about some of the exciting developments here at Finhive in 2021.

By the numbers

While we miss seeing you all at in-person events, we are pleased that our members continued to participate in our virtual programming. It has been reassuring to see the student community grow. In the last 6 months, I held events/classes covering 20 different topics delivered over 700 + hours of instruction time. A recent serendipitous find for me was Outschool, which has quickly grown into a strong platform to hold my classes. In addition to its flexible scheduling options, it provided an opportunity to students from other parts of the U.S. and other countries to attend my classes. In addition to my usual crowd of Greater Lexington, with Outschool I had students from Pennsylvania, New York, California, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Canada, and England.

Strengthening core value

This year, I also sharpened my focus on Finhive’s core value of “social enterprise”. To that goal, I added new events on sustainability, 529 plans, SPAC investing, and more where we could discuss the topics in depth in small groups. I also presented at the sustainability panel organized by Sustainable Wellesley and continue to field questions on how to build a socially-inclined portfolio from many of you.

On the business advisory side, my onebig thing right now is the potential opportunity to work with a large financial institution to build their library of financial literacy classes for several thousand families that they serve. In addition, my engagement with entrepreneurs expanded this year, especially through my Alma Mater Babson College. I sponsored Babson’s Energy conference which brought together thought leaders on next generation energy opportunities, delivered classes to their entrepreneurship club E-Tower, on building blocks of personal and business finance, and started working with some enterprising young businesses that are building online products for financial literacy.

Looking ahead

Turning to the second half of the year, I am delivering several youth focused summer programs this summer, planning for the Fall and Winter sessions, building an online repository of content, mentoring young professionals, advising small businesses on financial strategies, and planning to run an investing contest again later in the year. In addition to my staples of investing and startup classes, this summer I have added social club current business/market events. I am always impressed by the energy that young kids bring to these classes. I am certain many of them will go on to change the world with their creative ideas and boundless energy!

As always, I am grateful to all of you for your ongoing engagement and steadfast support, and I look forward to seeing you in person again very soon.



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